Instructor: Blake Olson
Home Phone: 472-3890
School Phone:472-0560
AssiGnments: Students are responsible for getting assignments 
that are missed due to illness or other excused absences.
Grading Scale:
A+ 98.0%-100%
A   94.0%-97.9%
A-  92.0%-93.9%
B+ 90.0%-91.9%
B   86.0%-89.9%
B-  84.0%-85.9%
C+ 82.0%-83.9%
C   78.0%-81.9%
C-  76.0%-77.9%
D+ 74.0%-75.9%
D   70.0%-73.9%
D-  68.0%-69.9%
 School wide rules are enforced.

Classroom management is accomplished by use of an assertive discipline plan called "personal conduct".  The students vote on classroom rules and assign point values to the rules.   Each student receives 80 points a quarter of personal conduct points.  If the student breaks no rules, these 80 points are implemented into their grade.


